# About This is the Personal documentaion for Tatsuya Osaki To edit this documentation, you need sphinx pyhon package and markdown format. Please follow these instruction to set up the enviroment for editing markdown and sphinx document convertion. ## Installation of sphinx ### Sphinx + extensions Sphinx was initially developped to document Python sources but can also applied to several other sources thanks to extensions. Mainly based on the used of [reStructuredText](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/index.html) (or Markdown with extensions) it allows the generation of html documentation easily. Using the autodoc function, documentation is generated from the docstrings in sources. Since it is Python based, package managing for installation as well as extensions are simple and port well. This is the installtion with conda package manager ```Bash conda create -n sphinx conda activate sphinx conda install -c anaconda sphinx pip install sphinx-rtd-theme pip install myst-parser pip install sphinx-autobuild pip install sphinx-rtd-theme pip install furo pip install pydata-sphinx-theme conda install pydata-sphinx-theme --channel conda-forge pip install sphinx-favicon pip install sphinx_design pip install sphinx-markdown-tables ``` Then, set the theme ``` html_theme = "pydata_sphinx_theme" #html_theme = 'alabaster' #html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' #html_theme = 'furo' ``` > [Pydata_sphinx_theme](https://pydata-sphinx-theme.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_guide/web-components.html#) > > [Basic syntax Markdonw guite](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/) > > [Sphinx design](https://sphinx-design.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) Then, to make html build ```Bash sphinx-build source docs or sphinx-autobuild source docs ``` Setting of this documentation can be edit ```Bash con.py ``` ```{danger} n ``` ```{note} n ``` ```{hint} n ``` ```{error} s ``` ```{attention} s ``` ```{tip} s ``` ```{todo} s ``` ```{warning} s ```